You 2: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps
19 Dec 2021![]() |
Date Finished: 19th December 2021 How strongly I recommend it: 10/10 |
An immense push of motivation for success in a bundle of 40 pages. The author Price Pritchett, Ph.D. shares some deep insights and gives key takeaways for achieving our goals and some blockers in our pathway. All we need to do is make the quantum leap - go beyond our comfort zone, and claim all that is ours.
Details and review: Amazon Page
My Notes:
When we are trying to achieve something (our goals) and failing, the general wisdom suggests - “Try harder”. The fly the tries to break through the closed window follows this. It’s efforts are futile and ultimately it will get killed (or die) at the window pane. Why is it hard for it to realize that just 10 feet away the door is open and flying through it will get it the same freedom for much less effort? No doubt trying to break the window makes complete sense to the fly but it’s just its own restriction (only mentally not physically) that it has built for itself. Thus, trying harder to succeed can serve as a recipe for failure (it can actually be the big part of the problem).
The Promise
We can achieve exponentially more than what we have already achieved. Don’t get comfortable with where you are, it will change with time. A lot less effort than we think can push us to the next level of success. Also, don’t be okay with gradual/incremental increase and improvement. Our rate of improvement can also be increased exponentially. Accept that whatever you have achieved is just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve barely scratch the surface. There will always be the next level.
Quantum Leap
We need to rethink how the universe is and how we can improve our current ways drastically just as physicist did so with the advent of quantum physics. We can take a big leap in what we do and it will produce a big leap in our performance. This leap is called “Quantum Leap”, which means to take big risks, enter deep into the unknown territory, and achieve big. And all this can be effortless for us just as for the particles in physics. We just need to learn how to do it.
You^2 (you-squared)
We believe that success must be achieved one after another gradually and in incremental steps. While it is a pathway for conventional growth, this is a clear misconception. The idea might seem absurd at first but once happened, in retrospect will look practical, logical, and elegant. This is Quantum Leap - skipping multiple levels and achieving big success – and that too effortlessly! What we dream to be ours can be ours once we understand this. All we need to do is change our mindset and alter some of our habits.
Change your personal rules for success
As humans, we tend to opt for solutions/behavior/patterns that have worked best for us in the past. But the serviceability of these methods decrease with time. We just favor them because it feels comfortable and makes us understand better how to approach the problem this way. To improve our rate of achievement rapidly, we must opt for unusual moves and new behaviors must be vigorously employed. This we need to make the quantum leap – you^2 (you-squared).
Quit trying harder
Trying harder is often thought to be discipline and persistence. While these virtues an important to have, they can fail miserably in this case if we keep trying harder. The logic behind this is that after some time of trying harder, the law of diminishing returns kicks in. To add, almost always it leads to burnouts and after a point, trying harder might not be practically possibly. Moreover, it can contribute less about goals and more to our problems. This rigidity of committed efforts can blind us of other much better solutions, just as in the case of the fly. Basically we need to broaden our horizons to see all the possibilities and in doing so, sometimes the habit of trying harder comes in our way.
More of the same produces ‘more of the same’.
Ignore conventional approaches
Conventional thought and work produce conventional results. To make the quantum leap, challenge the status quo, make an abrupt change in your behavior. We must get ruthless about trying something different. This gives us a new perspective many a times, leading us to find the best and more elegant solutions; a path of least resistance.
Think beyond what common sense would allow
To make the quantum leap, all we need to do is forget/surrender our old ways of thinking and believe that your real limits are far beyond what you think it is. We need to break that mental prison which we have created. This will give us exponential progress and we can achieve whatever we want. Obviously we can’t achieve “anything”, but what we actually can is way beyond what we think we can. The idea basically is to allow ourselves to dream, to risk, and wonders will happen.
Suspend disbelief
Most likely our mindset is flawed by doubt and fear. We believe making a quantum leap and that too effortlessly is impossible. Change this. Successful people have use this time and again (it’s not a shortcut but a technique). Believe that you can and will be successful. Act like you have complete faith. Don’t doubt your capabilities. Doubt is what does the most damage. Do what you would do if you knew you would succeed.
Focus on the ends rather than the means
Have a crystal clear idea of what you want – the goal. Visualize it, believe in it. Don’t get too fixated on how you’ll achieve it. Get comfortable with some disorder, unplanned action, and even chaos (for some time), as you have to build a map while on the journey. Quantum leap is making the jump without a sure plan. If you are starting out with the complete plan till the end, you are not making a quantum leap. Think of it this way –
You are not supposed to be thinking what happens in the middle of the jump, you are supposed to be thinking where you are going to land!
Rely on unseen forces
Our success doesn’t come through our own singular struggle, effort, and willpower. There are many imaginary forces at play that help us achieve our goals. It can be in the form of a coincidence that we get the resources we need, or luck, or a dream where we get the ideas. Acknowledge and accept them. For this, keep a crystal clear idea of your goal in your mind and trust that things will play out well. We don’t need to understand how electricity works to switch on the lights in the room. These unknowns, invisible resources, are the most powerful factors available to assist you in making the quantum leap to you-square.
Choose a different set of risks
In any way we choose to live and any decision we make, there is a risk involved and we are putting something at stake. Taking the quantum leap might sound like a big risk. Yes, it is a risk but not as big as you think. And we don’t have to make the leap recklessly and impulsively, but rather to some degree we must move out of the zone of familiarity, security, and comfort.
And don’t kid yourself by thinking “playing it safe” has the best odds. It can be the best way of losing and killing your chances.
Trust in the power of pursuit
Wishing, desiring, wanting are important mental states for you-square but they are passive. It is important to pursue, take positive action as dreams begin to become reality when pursued. Reaching out for what we want alters the odds immediately and drastically. Take action and this will help you make the quantum jump. Ask… seek… knock… and the dreams shall be yours.
Seek failure
It is the failure that helps us achieve the success. If you’re not failing or finding problems then we are not moving ahead. So seek failure. That’s how we move ahead. And don’t get dejected as the midway on the road to success will look like for you. Keep at it. It is the soreness of the muscle that proves we are working out. Take failure as evidence of growth and improvement. Use it as a resource that helps you find the edge of your capacities.
Get uncomfortable
Quantum leap is going to be scary and you are going to feel uncomfortable. That’s how it’s supposed to feel and if you don’t feel that, it’s not a worthy goal you are pursuing. So don’t hold tight. Let loose. It’s a journey you are riding but not completely in control of, and that’s fine. Just focus on the goal, keep pursuing, learn from your mistakes, and have faith. Facing your fear is the death of fear and that’s what courage means.
Open your gifts
If you look at the skills and talents we’ve developed over the years, we’ll find that they were like gifts that we unwrapped. We tried something we didn’t know (moved out of our comfort zone). And that led us to unwrapping the gift. There are many more gifts that are around us but we haven’t unwrapped them. Make the quantum leap and claim these gifts. This is the difference between the “normal” and the “gifted” people.
Fall in love
You must have a deep passion and burning desire to achieve a dramatic goal - a goal way beyond the reasonable limits. This goal must consume you, control you; it must become you. Let it be so intense, that doubt, failure, criticism can’t affect it even for a moment. This state is perfect for making the quantum leap - to go from you to you-square.
Make your move before you’re ready
There is just one perfect time to get started, and that’s now. Don’t wait and get “prepared”, else you’ll never get started. Start now and figure out the plan while in motion. This is how the quantum leap is supposed to be. Act right now.
Look inside for the opportunity
All we need to become you-square is within us. The opportunity, the timing, the power to perform are within us. Listen to yourself – the hottest thoughts in your head, dreams, desires – as they serve as a direction like magnetic North fast everything else is in position. Just do it! Make the quantum leap!
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